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islam radical wikipedia

[270] The group is adept at social media, posting Internet videos of beheadings of soldiers, civilians, journalists and aid workers, and is known for its destruction of cultural heritage sites. 4. [42], A 2015 "general portrait" of "the conditions and circumstances" under which people living in France become "Islamic radicals" (terrorists or would-be terrorists) by Olivier Roy (see above) found radicalisation was not an "uprising of a Muslim community that is victim to poverty and racism: only young people join, including converts". Defensive jihad differs from offensive jihad by being "fard al-ayn", or a personal obligation of all Muslims, rather than "fard al-kifaya", a communal obligation, that is, some Muslims may perform it but it is not required of others. It seems to have come into use in the early years of last century, and denotes certain … The French government has also been reported to have promoted Islamist preachers "in the hope of channeling Muslim energies into zones of piety and charity."[316]. [179][180], During the 1990s Muslims in Kenya received religious radical instruction from Al-Qaeda and Somali group l-Itihad al-Islami (AIAI). [70] This school is exemplified by Madkhalism which based on the writings of Rabee al-Madkhali. Prior to 1990 Saudi Arabia played an important role in restraining the many Islamist groups that received its aid. The party is sometimes described as "Leninist" and "rigidly controlled by its central leadership,"[254] with its estimated one million members required to spend "at least two years studying party literature under the guidance of mentors (Murshid)" before taking "the party oath. The main reasons France suffers frequent attacks are, in no particular order:[251], In 2020 two Islamic terrorist attacks were foiled by authorities, bringing the total to 33 since 2017 according to Laurent Nuñez, the director of CNRLT, who declared that Sunni Islamist terrorism was a prioritised threat. Around fifty others were injured. [108] The ideology had seen its rise during the 90s when the Muslim world experienced numerous geopolitical crisis,[108] notably the Algerian Civil War (1991–2002), Bosnian War (1992–1995), and the First Chechen War (1994–1996). Français 2 317 000+ articles. [302][303] The continuous support for the Muslim Brotherhood by Qatar is considered one of the stepping stones that started the Qatar diplomatic crisis.[304]. Taking advantage of economic failure and unpopular social liberalization and secularization by the ruling leftist-nationalist FLN government, it used its preaching to advocate the establishment of a legal system following Sharia law, economic liberalization and development program, education in Arabic rather than French, and gender segregation, with women staying home to alleviate the high rate of unemployment among young Algerian men. The memory in Muslim societies of the many centuries of "cultural and institutional success" of Islamic civilization that have created an "intense resistance to an alternative 'civilizational order'", such as Western civilization. Iqbal expressed fears that not only would secularism and secular nationalism weaken the spiritual foundations of Islam and Muslim society, but that India's Hindu-majority population would crowd out Muslim heritage, culture and political influence. [191], In 2017, al-Shabaab was estimated to have about 7000–9000 fighters. [286], For almost a thousand years, from the first Moorish landing in Spain to the second Turkish siege of Vienna, Europe was under constant threat from Islam. [282], The connection between the lack of an Islamic spirit and the lack of victory was underscored by the disastrous defeat of Arab nationalist-led armies fighting under the slogan "Land, Sea and Air" in the 1967 Six-Day War, compared to the (perceived) near-victory of the Yom Kippur War six years later. Al-Tamimi, Aymenn Jawad (November 16, 2011). [101] It is a hybrid ideology between Qutbism, Salafism, Wahhabism and other minor Islamist strains. There have also been other arrests mostly in Ontario involving terror plots. ", "Wars and Armed Conflicts: Current Situation", "SOUTH ASIA | Jaish-e-Mohammad: A profile", "All you need to know about the 7/11 Mumbai train blasts", "Local Group is Blamed for Attacks, but Sri Lanka Suspects 'International Network, "FBI updates most wanted terrorists and seeking information – War on Terrorism Lists", "Paris attack: Isis warns 'This is just the beginning' after killing at least 127 people in French capital", "EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report TE-SAT 2009", "Islamists caused overwhelming majority of terrorist deaths in Europe during last decade", "Criminal Pasts, Terrorist Futures: European Jihadists and the New Crime-Terror Nexus / ICSR", The International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence, "Dschihadisten als Elitetruppe des Islams. Altogether, roughly 195 to 415 Muslims belong to one of these organizations and most are young men.[189]. The U.S. government has engaged in efforts to counter militant Islamism (Jihadism), since 2001. Do not use as a synonym for Islamic fighters, militants, extremists or radicals, who may or may not be Islamists. According to investigations by FBI, the bombing would likely have killed between 30 and 40 people had it succeeded, and it is thought that al-Abdaly operated with a network. The views of Ali Shariati, the ideologue of the Iranian Revolution, resembled those of Mohammad Iqbal, the ideological father of the State of Pakistan, but Khomeini's beliefs are perceived to be placed somewhere between the beliefs of Shia Islam and the beliefs of Sunni Islamic thinkers like Mawdudi and Qutb. So I understand how extremists exploit grievances", "Fred Halliday, from "The Left and the Jihad", Open Democracy 7 September 2006", "Wikipedia: Good Intentions, Horrible Consequences By Abid Uallah Jan", "Hizb ut-Tahrir: Islam's Political Insurgency", The Islamism Debate: God's Counterculture, The Key to Arab Reform: Moderate Islamists, "The Shura Principle in Islam - by Sadek Sulaiman". [285] The influence of these groups confirms "the continuing Kurdish domination of Turkish islamism". Islamic extremism is adherence to a fundamentalist interpretation of Islam, potentially including the promotion of violence to achieve political goals. Unlike earlier anti-colonial movements the extremist group directed its attacks against what it believed were "apostate" leaders of Muslim states, leaders who held secular leanings or who had introduced or promoted Western/foreign ideas and practices into Islamic societies. Large-scale Muslim immigration began in the 1970s with the arrival of Fiji Indians, followed in the 1990s by refugees from various war-torn countries. However, from 2012 to 2018, the majority of the country's jihadist and would-be jihadist population were radicalized in Switzerland. [189], On 11 April 2002, a Tunisian Al-Qaeda operative used a truck bomb to attack the El Ghriba synagogue on Djerba island. Wide majorities say such attacks are, at most, rarely acceptable. An incident from 1994, known as the AMIA bombing, was an attack on the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (Argentine Israelite Mutual Association) building in Buenos Aires. Lethal attacks on civilians in Europe which have been credited to Islamist terrorism include the 2004 bombings of commuter trains in Madrid, where 191 people were killed, the 7 July 2005 London bombings, also of public transport, which killed 52 commuters, and the 2015 Charlie Hebdo shooting, in Paris, where 12 people were killed in response to the satirical weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo depicting cartoons of Muhammad. [243] The majority of those who went to the Syria in the 2012-2016 time span were of Moroccan descent according to U.S. and Belgian authorities. Crackdowns followed on everything from shopkeepers who did not close for prayer and newspapers that published pictures of women, to the selling of dolls, teddy bears (images of animate objects are considered haraam), and dog food (dogs are considered unclean).[167]. [1][2], The largest numbers of incidents and fatalities caused by Islamic terrorism have occurred in India, Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Syria, and Mali. [77] In India, Wahabism was spread in the name of Deobandi movement.[78]. Like Maududi, Al Banna believed in the necessity of government rule based on Shariah law implemented gradually and by persuasion, and of eliminating all imperialist influence in the Muslim world.[142]. *German Jihad: On the Internationalisation of Islamist Terrorism by Guido Steinberg. [87] Historically, Wahhabism was state-sponsored and internationally propagated by Saudi Arabia with the help of funding from mainly Saudi petroleum exports,[88] leading to the "explosive growth" of its influence (and subsequently, the influence of Salafism) from the 70s (a phenomenon often dubbed as Petro-Islam). The Islamic terrorists entered Germany either without identity documents or with falsified documents. [165], According to CNN, the self-styled Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant "justifies its kidnapping of women as sex slaves citing Islamic theology" in an article entitled, 'The revival (of) slavery before the Hour,' (of Judgement Day), published in the ISIL online magazine, "Dabiq", claimed that Yazidi women can be taken captive and forced to become sex slaves or concubines under Islamic law, "One should remember that enslaving the families of the kuffar—the infidels—and taking their women as concubines is a firmly established aspect of the Shariah, or Islamic law. "Fighting the War of Ideas", Zeyno Baran. Colonel Eikmeier points out the "questionable religious credentials" of many Islamist theorists, or "Qutbists", which can be a "means to discredit them and their message": With the exception of Abul Ala Maududi and Abdullah Yusuf Azzam, none of Qutbism's main theoreticians trained at Islam's recognized centers of learning. Eventually both terms yielded to Islam, the Arabic name of the faith, and a word free of either pejorative or comparative associations. What's Going On? [26][27], Some Muslim scholars assert that extremism within Islam goes back to the Kharijites who existed in the 7th century. [30], According to research by the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag, there were 31,221 Islamist terrorism attacks, which killed at least 146,811 people, between 11 September 2001 and 21 April 2019. [219][220] The group was formed after the supporters of Maulana Masood Azhar split from another Islamic militant organization, Harkat-ul-Mujahideen. Hezbollah were the first to use suicide bombers in the Middle East. At the same time, their popularity is such that no government can call itself democratic that excludes mainstream Islamist groups.[17]. [278], In 2010, the Swedish Security Service estimated that a total of 200 individuals were involved in the Swedish violent Islamist extremist milieu. Their political outcome is interdependent with their goal and strategy, in which what analysts call "inclusion-moderation theory" is in effect. Islamists accused the Saudi regime of being a puppet of the west. He also recruited and built a cadre of influential loyalists by placing sympathetic students in the university and military academy while serving as minister of education.[59]. Many of the violent terrorist groups use the name of jihad to fight against certain Western nations and Israel. [206], On 30 July 2004, suicide bombers struck the entrances of the US and Israeli embassies in Tashkent. "Global Connections. [9], Although Islamic terrorism is commonly associated with the Salafis (or "Wahhabis"), the scholars of the group have constantly attributed this association to ignorance, misunderstanding and sometimes insincere research and deliberate misleading by rival groups. Spring 2008", International propagation of Salafism and Wahhabism, Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam, Relations between the Catholic Church and the state, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Islamism&oldid=1019249643, Articles with dead external links from November 2018, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles with dead external links from May 2016, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2013, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Articles lacking reliable references from February 2013, Articles containing potentially dated statements from March 2015, Articles with dead external links from April 2021, Wikipedia articles with TDVİA identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Zia ul Haq was an admirer of Mawdudi and Mawdudi's party Jamaat-e-Islami became the "regime's ideological and political arm". From French, it began to migrate to the English language in the mid-1980s, and in recent years has largely displaced the term Islamic fundamentalism in academic circles. "Fundamentalist" is a Christian term. In a September 1957 White House meeting between U.S. President Eisenhower and senior U.S. foreign policy officials, it was agreed to use the communists' lack of religion against them by setting up a secret task force to deliver weapons to Middle East despots, including the Saudi Arabian rulers. [275] In 1996, the Armed Islamic Group of Algeria (GIA), an organisation affiliated with al-Qaeda, founded a cell in the province of Valencia. [272], The Arab world—the original heart of the Muslim world—has been afflicted with economic stagnation. France its first occurrences with religious extremism in the 1980s due to French involvement in the Lebanese civil war. [177], On 17 November 1997, a splinter group of the al-Jama'a al-Islamiyya, an Egyptian Islamist organization, carried out the Luxor massacre where 62 people were killed. [222][circular reference], 2006 Mumbai train bombings killed 209 people and injured 700 more. It also targeted foreigners living in Algeria, killing more than 100 expatriates in the country. The 2019 Sri Lanka Easter bombings, orchestrated by the National Thowheeth Jama'ath,[224] were the deadliest terrorist attack in the country since its civil war ended on May 16, 2009. A steep and steady decline in the popularity and credibility of secular, socialist and nationalist politics ensued. These areas were then handed over to the Lebanese Army. [263][264] (While a self-described state, it lacks international recognition. [307] More recently, Qatar has channeled material support to Hamas' terrorist operations by exploiting its official commitment to finance Gaza reconstruction. Along with bombings and hijackings, Islamic terrorists have made extensive use of highly publicised kidnappings and executions, often circulating videos of the acts for use as propaganda. [210] The organization was officially banned in February 2005 after attacks on NGOs, but struck back in August when 300 bombs were detonated almost simultaneously throughout Bangladesh, targeting Shahjalal International Airport, government buildings and major hotels. Concerning the $6 billion in aid given by the US and Pakistan's military training and intelligence support to the mujahideen,[173] bin Laden wrote: "[T]he US has no mentionable role" in "the collapse of the Soviet Union ... rather the credit goes to God and the mujahidin" of Afghanistan.[174]. [353][354][355], Al-Qaeda's stated aim is the use of jihad to defend and protect Islam against Zionism, Christianity, Hinduism, the secular West, and Muslim governments such as Saudi Arabia, which it sees as insufficiently Islamic and too closely tied to the United States. [215], Turkey had a number of Islamist parties, often changing names as they were banned by the constitutional court for anti-secular activities. In August 2007, 33% of Pakistanis expressed support for al-Qaeda; 38% supported the Taliban. Switzerland is not normally seen as a center of Islamism, especially when compared to countries such as Belgium or France. While techniques of war are restricted by classical Islamic jurisprudence, the scope is not. Retrieved 15 July 2016. [161] Philip Balboni, CEO of GlobalPost told the press that he had spent "millions" in efforts to ransom journalist James Foley, and an American official told the Associated Press that demand from ISIS was for 100 million ($132.5). According to Stuart, 61 contemporary Islamic leaders have issued fatawa permitting suicide attacks, 32 with respect to Israel. Hizbollah, Hizbu'llah)", "Lebanon: The many hands and faces of Hezbollah", "Iranian official admits Tehran supplied missiles to Hezbollah", "Mideast Powers, Proxies and Paymasters Bluster and Rearm", "Security council endorses secretary-general's conclusion on Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon as of 16 June", "Bahrain's parliament declares Hezbollah a terrorist group", "Bahrain complains over Hezbollah comments on protests", "Bahrain arrests bombing suspects and blames Hezbollah", "Jewish Leaders Applaud Hezbollah Terror Designation by France | Jewish & Israel News", "European Union Adds Military Wing of Hezbollah to List of Terrorist Organizations", "Middle East News – Hezbollah's transformation", "Fatah Al-Islam: the new terrorist threat hanging over Lebanon", "Facts about militant group Fatah al-Islam", "Harper says 'Islamicism' biggest threat to Canada", "CSIS focuses on homegrown terrorism threat", "RCMP say homegrown terror suspects were preparing to build IEDs", "Former intel chief: Homegrown terrorism is a 'devil of a problem, "A one-man mission to stop homegrown Somali terrorism in U.S.", "Orlando shooting: 49 killed, shooter pledged ISIS allegiance", "Interviews – Robert Baer – Terror And Tehran", "Iran, Hezbollah charged in 1994 Argentine bombing", "Muerte de Nisman: la media hora que es un agujero negro en la causa", "Argentine ex-president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner charged with treason", "Cristina Kirchner faces investigation over alleged cover-up of bombing", "Argentinian lawyer Alberto Nisman was murdered, police report finds", "Bin Laden, in statement to U.S. people, says he ordered Sept. 11 attacks", International propagation of Salafism and Wahhabism, Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam, North Korea and weapons of mass destruction, Targeted Killings: Law and Morality in an Asymmetrical World, Withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, Christian thought on persecution and tolerance, The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Islamic_terrorism&oldid=1019031663, Pages containing links to subscription-only content, Articles with dead external links from September 2016, Articles with dead external links from October 2010, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages, Wikipedia indefinitely move-protected pages, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles lacking reliable references from July 2016, Articles lacking reliable references from January 2015, Articles with minor POV problems from September 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2020, All articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases, Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from January 2019, Articles lacking reliable references from May 2017, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from December 2018, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2021, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2020, Wikipedia articles that are excessively detailed from August 2017, All articles that are excessively detailed, Wikipedia articles with style issues from August 2017, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Planned and foiled Jihadist terror attacks in Europe, most of the radicals have a Muslim background, which makes them open to a process of re-Islamisation ("almost none of them having been pious before entering the process of radicalisation"), and. 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[ 78 ] Islamist! 147 mosques and 18 Islamic schools associated with the title radical Islamism 1994 and has carried out series... As their first priority [ 288 ] Hizbullah 's leader, Hüseyin Velioğlu, was the Junction... Frustration is a British activist and radio presenter of Salafi Jihadism include the concepts of `` near ''! Syed Salahuddin 's United Jihad Council had resulted in the U.S. around public diplomacy programmes conducted a. And Salafi movement encompasses a broad range of ultraconservative Islamist doctrines which share the mission. Founded as a synonym for Islamic fighters, militants, 10 policemen, and four civilians the al-Bared! To frame its ideology in a way that will avoid charges of militancy '' Hamas, well! Hamas has continued to be a Salafist Beirut after Hezbollah takeover '', that is terrorism which takes place the! 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