Gardening can reduce your risk of stroke (along with other activities as jogging and swimming) as reported in “Stroke: Journal of The American Heart Association”. Absolutely agree with this. Gardening may lower the risk of dementia. Gardening encourages children to eat healthier. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 2. Gardening is always an excellent and environment friendly idea and if you can go for sustainable gardening then it will be even more useful for all. How cool is that! Vivian- I am so touched by your comment. amzn_assoc_region = "US";
You’re so welcome. Gardening has an association with older people because of all the benefits that come with it. Actually I caught flower pots on sale last year at Lowe’s and bought about twenty. Seasoned gardeners LOVE to help new gardeners. The U.S. public spends more than 90% of their time indoors, leading an extremely sedentary, disconnected, unhealthy, and unnatural lifestyle. Are you sure the food system is always going to be there to provide for you? The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies but never grows to the enduring happiness that the love of gardening gives. I LOVE this article! It will help a lot! As Michael Pollan has written, “It was the flower that first ushered the idea of beauty into the world the moment, long ago, when floral attraction emerged as an evolutionary strategy.”. Plants even filter out pollution that would be killing us now. Grace- I’ll send you a copy through Kindle. How true! The traditional kitchen garden, also known as a potager (from the French jardin potager) or in Scotland a kailyaird, is a space separate from the rest of the residential garden – the ornamental plants and lawn areas. It’s inspired me to get outside in the fresh air! i do it everyday, so i feel very happy with my life. THANK YOU FOR THIS GREAT LIST, LOOKING FORWARD TO GARDENING UNTIL I DIE! The impacts of dementia can be life changing so prevention is very important. Oklahoma growing zones range from 6a to 8a. There are so many things that could disrupt the production and delivery of food, it’s good to have a sustainable plan to feed yourself. I NEVER THOUGHT OF THE ZONE, BUT YES, I KNOW WHAT THE FEELING OF AN ALTERED STATE I GO TO WHILE GARDENING. 1. I’ve done it for years with daffs and tulips and it works beautifully. The importance of gardening to provide a habitat for bees and other pollinators Gardening at home without chemicals is so important to give pollinators a place to live and eat. So educative. I know I feel better When i’m outdoors and gardening provides that outlet. Gardening as a form of exercise can be good for you as it helps to release endorphins, … I’ve been wanting to plant some bulbs in my garden this summer, but I’ve been starting to wonder if it will be worth the effort. Two separate studies that followed people in their 60s and 70s for up to 16 years found, respectively, that those who gardened regularly had a 36% and 47% lower risk of dementia than non-gardeners, even when a range of other health factors were taken into account. I had similar feelings when my Mom died 10 years ago. As a matter of fact, it may be an even more effective stress buster than other leisure activities. When you dig, plant, weed, and engage in repetitive tasks that require strength or stretching, all of the major muscle groups are getting a good work out.

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When we reap our first harvest, we feel like we have conquered the world. Gardening is a favorite hobby for many. Garden of EIN Food Forest Farm was established to be a sustainable farm and provide affordable food to the people. Here’s how to grow cucumbers vertically. The act of gardening enables us to enter the ‘zone’, also known as an altered state of consciousness – similar to what a jogger or one who practices yoga or mediation can experience. Thanks for your comment. Garden beds, equipment and tools can all be modified to create a garden that is interesting, accessible and productive. Gardening burns calories. Gardening is educational and develops new skills including: Responsibility– from caring for plants Understanding– as they learn about cause and effect (for example, plants die without water, weeds compete with plants) Self-confidence – from achieving their goals and enjoying the food they have grown Sustainable gardening, also known as self-sufficient gardening, is a fancy term for growing fruits, vegetables, grass and shrubs, in a manner that does not use harmful pesticides, and promotes a continuous harvest that does not damage the environment. Gardening strengthens your immune system. Being surrounded by plants and flowers improves our health. it is the best stress reliever for me. It is likely that gardening and flowers serve as a means for survival; or in Darwinian terms, ‘survival of the fittest’. Gardening is vital for the environment that we live in, and it makes plants live. I quit my traditional job, started my own company and I am now a patented garden vertical products inventor, small scale manufacturer in Upstate, NY and I am so proud to help myself and others garden in a very clean, fun & vertical way! What Is Sustainable Gardening? It’s a good way to relieve stress from work and love to see the fruits of his labor. Being surrounded by flowers improves one’s health. Will appreciate any information you send m. xo-Fran, Paige- Was not aware that you purchased a property for a community garden. Plants, both indoor and outdoor, are natural air purifiers, taking air pollution and carbon dioxide in and releasing oxygen in return. Everything has a purpose and an important role in the ecosystem. As a result, gardening protects the environment. this write-up to him. The group that gardened reported being in a better mood than the group that read. It is all of those things—-and much more! The roots of these plants stabilize the soil and filter water. Thanks.Your work is very beneficial. For us gardeners, it’s just common sense that, of course, gardening is good for our health. Required fields are marked *. Gardening chores such as planting, weeding, harvesting, and watering are great physical exercise. I love not just gardening but really anything that gets me out and working in the yard – mowing, raking, etc. Thanks so much. This can aid in improving overall health and well-being while reducing exposure to harsh and dangerous toxins. I just need to know if that’ the e-mail address- is the correct e-mail. Gardening, the laying out and care of a plot of ground devoted partially or wholly to the growing of plants such as flowers, herbs, or vegetables. If you want organic produce, it’s going to be extremely expensive. It’s terrific to meet a kindred soul who embraces that gardening is a wonderful tool for health and well-being! Developing a sustainable plan to feed yourself is very important for your future. amzn_assoc_linkid = "37aa87bdd0851205701636b084b5b9f8";
Strongly agree that gardening puts you in the zone, it is one of the few activities that really helps me unwind. If there are no plants on our planet, we can’t breathe or eat. In short, being around plants can help to improve relationships between people and increase their concern and empathy toward others.” 2. I love what you wrote, that you ‘feel the energy of the soil and the sun and that you look forward to gardening until you die! I cannot even tell you how many awe-inspiring things I have learned from our garden. Thanks for your comment. 4. She says that, “When you sit at a desk all day, there’s something about literally putting your hands in the dirt, digging … Some of which are stress relief, access to sunlight, improved mood and a connection with the earth. Fran, Jane- I feel healthy and clean after eating my own produce. Fran, Thanks for an amazing article! This reminds why I love to spend time in the garden so beneficial for the souls PLUS. Read More How to Grow Cucumbers Vertically in Your GardenContinue. They are so much better than store bought. Gardening is considered moderate to high-intensity exercise. You can, therefore, read this entire guide to learn Kitchen Garden’s uses. What does the main importance of gardening mean to you? 36%-46% are some pretty impressive statistics, at that. The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. Plants are the source of life for us. Also, gardeners love to share tips with others. We learn so much from the garden about life cycles and the symbiotic relationships between plants, animals, bugs and so much more. Very nicely written, good piece of knowledge shared by commentators. Gardening brings people together. Thanks for this humor on a very rainy and cold Friday morning in my neck of the woods. Our food supply may not always be as efficient as it is now. Learn about the importance of gardening. I appreciate your comment. Who would argue that a packet of seeds that can grow multiple watermelons is less expensive than a single watermelon at the store? Check out what to plant and what to prepare and plan in the garden in April. Thanks for the amazing ideas. And now it’s your turn. BUT what still goes unnoticed are the physical benefits of it. It is something that you can cultivate and then enjoy the outcome. It is so interesting to me that you can burn around 330 calories with just one hour of gardening work. No other art form (I think) can be termed ‘living art’ in the same vein as gardening. Much appreciated. Wow, I had no idea that physical activity reduced the risk of dementia! It’s important to all of us for all kinds of reasons. H?! My hunch is that you will be spending several years after 75 in your garden. Gardening burns calories. In behavioral research conducted at Rutgers University by Jeanette M. Haviland-Jones, Ph.D., the results showed that flowers are a natural and healthful moderator of moods and have an immediate impact on happiness, a long term positive effects on mood, and make for more intimate connections between individuals. Fran. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0";
There are no guarantees. Gardening is a stress buster. Read?ng throug? There are gardeners I know how have hit 90 and are still in their gardens working and playing. “This is due to measurable increases in feelings of compassion; another effect of exposure to ornamental plants. Children love to play in the soil. Gardener Gillian Aldrich, a magazine editor, confirmed many of the benefits with CNN. I worked in an operation room 60 hours a week until I had a dream of an easier way to garden indoors that completely changed my life. And they also exhibited lower levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. Fran. Your email address will not be published. I ALSO FEEL THE CONNECTION WITH THE LIFE OF THE THE PLANTS AND ALL THE BUGS AND BIRDS THAT COME TO MY GARDEN, I FEEL THE ENERGY OF THE SOIL AND THE SUN. Am already considering creating a garden! I look forward to purchasing and reading you book. Save For Later Print For information about permaculture, click here. My husband is an avid gardener. Larry Dossey, M.D. Thank you so much for sharing an informative article. Thanks for posting. A graduate of the University of Chicago with Honors in Psychology, she is also a gardening and creativity expert, coach, inspirational speaker, CBS radio news gardening correspondent, and Huffington Post Contributor. The process of photosynthesis helps in the reduction of the carbon footprint. F?irly certain he ?ill have a good re?d. In turn, calcium helps keep your bones strong and your immune system healthy. Briefly, we know that children who are exposed to dirt in the formative years develop healthier, stronger immune systems when compared to children whose parents keep them squeaky clean, and they have a lower incidence of asthma, eczema and allergies later in life. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you can burn up to 330 calories during just one hour of light gardening and yard work — more than lifting weights for the same amount of time. Gardening Improves Relationships and Compassion. Period. amzn_assoc_asins = "B01J1HO6XY,B01N9OGUSD,B00YQUSERQ,B06XWVC8VC";
. This article describes a gardening project undertaken at two nursing homes in Scotland, where it was found to have numerous benefits for all involved. Develops Social Skills. Research from the National Gardening Association shows that home-grown food production has increased this … Children can … Home gardening requires gardening knowledge, ongoing nurturing of plants, maintenance skills, and consistent improvement. Thanks for the great info. © 2021 Little Sprouts Learning - WordPress Theme by Kadence WP, Month by Month Vegetable Garden Planting Guide, 10 Ways to Use Excess Okra from the Garden, When to Harvest Vegetables in the Garden (And Fruit), How to Grow Cucumbers Vertically in Your Garden. Is learning to garden a life or death situation? What is gardening? Many people just do gardening as a hobby, they never really realise the true benefits of gardening. Gardening can reduce your risk of stroke (along with other activities as jogging and swimming) as reported in “Stroke: Journal of The American Heart Association”. Many people choose home gardening as a hobby – that is why I started gardening in the first place – but it turns out that there are many other reasons why home gardening is increasing in popularity. In that case, I completely agree with the other answers. When you cultivate in your garden, you cannot do everything by yourself. My friend is always playing those brain-exercise games to try and ward off future dementia. Beginners love to ask for advice from seasoned gardeners. Most vegetable gardens are still miniature versions of old family farm plots, but the kitchen garden is different not only in its history, but also its design. For more than 5000 years, people have cultivated flowers. And for information about companion planting, check this out. That’s why it’s important to join a gardening club or sniff out which neighbors are keen gardeners. Read More 10 Ways to Use Excess Okra from the GardenContinue. Physical benefits of gardening Enhanced air quality. Fran, I haven’t posted a comment on been on linked-in for a very long while. It is an ongoing breathing relationship. Please keep posting. Here are some statistics that bear this out: Ideally, these statistics will put some fire in your belly to spend more time outdoors in nature and gardening. Your growing zones makes a big difference in how you grow, so you need to know where you are on the USDA zoning map. Thank you for sharing. Some medical conditions and physical disabilities may restrict or prevent older people from participating in gardening. This transcendent state is a magical and spiritual place where one experiences the best of who she/he is. Thanks for your comment. I was in the zone and in the moment and content. Your phrase ‘my grief was like a heavy, itchy coat that I could not take off’ was something I can identify with. Thank you for your encouraging post. Am glad you enjoyed. Fran. Can it make a difference really? Fran, what a great article! We also sponsored one of our clinicians to become a certified horticultural therapist. 2. Wow. Plants and trees grow there, taking in carbon and releasing oxygen. Google+ | LinkedIn | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest. I especially like gardening because of the fresh air and natural beauty. I’d love to hear how gardening has had an impact on your health and well-being. Bees, butterflies, wasps and other bugs that pollinate your garden are also keeping scores of humans alive on this earth by providing us with food. Our children learn from the garden with us as well. That article has hit a chord with thousands of folks. Any post on this blog may contain affiliate links that pay me a very small commission for items you purchase using the links but costs you nothing extra. Gardening is a great form of exercise. Digging in the soil has actual health and ‘mood boosting’ benefits. This is true. Hey Fran, This is most of the reasons why i garden. Would love an e-book on “Digging Deep”. Let Schulte's show you the numerous benefits of gardening. If you are creating a new garden, then you have as much choice as you would with containers. Soil is one of the most important factors in successful gardening, whether in containers or in the ground. If your garden looks “tired” or you want to change up your garden, then Colin Ridgewell & Sons is one of the best gardening companies. If we do gardening then they can reduce your risk of stroke and also gardening is a stress buster they also filter pollution. Gardening is very theraputic at the same time as being satisfying. It’s like all projects that people are able to get ‘stuck in’ to, nothing comes close to the sheer pleasure of doing it, other than perhaps the satisfaction of admiring your achievements afterwards. good articles. Cathy- Fran. Research shows that people who spend extended lengths of time around plants tend to have better relationships with others. I couldn’t agree more. It’s definitely one of the biggest benefits of home ownership, in my opinion anyway! Having our own garden in a limited space helps our creativity. 5. If this is something that interests you and your garden is in need of some TLC, don’t fear! Click here to see more information on the importance of bees. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart";
Read More When to Harvest Vegetables in the Garden (And Fruit)Continue. You can always make more money, but you will never get back time. Copyright © 2007–2021 8. Looking forward to reading more. Sharing is a simple yet important act of generosity. Fran, Sean – So true. Did you ever figure out your container conundrum Cathy? Happy gardening! Gardeners love to help each other. I love knowing about these reasons why gardening is good for you. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual";
In organic gardening, garden soil provides not only a growing medium, but also a thriving, biodiverse ecosystem of life which supports the plants in the garden.

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what is the importance of gardening

Fran – Thanks so much for all this important information! Thanks! The importance of gardening spans all types of cultures and people. I totally agree with your statements! It’s hard work, but it’s so peaceful and stress-relieving at the same time. 10. 13. It’s amazing how deeply the healing power of gardening can run – especially for kids and those in recovery. Yes, being one with nature in your own garden at that is such a fortunate condition. I have a 3 yr old and was trying to think of ways to get her off the ipad and outdoors. I have always believed that gardening is a barrier to depression because there is always something to look forward to! xo-Fran. My dream is that everyone gardens as part of the daily fiber of their lives. We all know fruits and vegetables are the life source of a healthy body. You can buy any appliances and tools you need from somewhere like All Rights Reserved. Dear Linda, I will forward Improved indoor air quality. Bees, butterflies, wasps and other bugs that pollinate your garden are also keeping scores of humans alive on this earth by providing us with food. I think it’ also time to give gardening the respect it deserves as far as the powerful impact it has on us healthwise. If the garden maker doesn’t pay attention to it for a season, it no longer is the landscape that it was a year ago. During this time, when many people are working at home and students are learning at home, gardening can be a positive family-inclusive activity to adopt. So go down and check all the points about Kitchen Garden without wasting time. Gardening is unique among other creative endeavours in that you’re constantly benefitting from your ever evolving hard work even just by glancing out of the window. I would say also, unlike a piece of sculpture or work of art, a garden is constantly in motion. Gardening can also be a way of getting all members of the nursing home community involved in a common project. No ands, ifs or buts. I truly love this post! ?his post couldn’t be written any better! Thanks for sharing. Therefore, you should do everything in your power, within reason, to save time, and one of those things is … Especially in schools, gardening can be a very sociable activity. I find gardening therapeutic, it always puts me in a good mood, and tending plantS is a form of giving. Fran. Recent research funded by Disney shows that. 3. A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in. Gardening is important because it just builds community among people. Bulbs are a great way to bring a huge dose of color into the garden. Wonderful article, I plan to share on my FB pages, facebook/growingrules and facebook/livingledge. Growing vegetables is like a meditation. Hey Miller- Thanks. This is especially important at the beginning of the season when we’ve been less active over winter but are overly enthusiastic to get into our gardens and complete all our spring tasks. Do you want to get started gardening, but you’re not sure how? We all know the old adage "time is money", but in reality, time is more important than money. Fran, Todd- I’m both smiling and laughing as I read your response. There’s an expression – “Gardening is cheaper than therapy and you get tomatoes!”. amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true";
Gardening can reduce your risk of stroke (along with other activities as jogging and swimming) as reported in “Stroke: Journal of The American Heart Association”. Absolutely agree with this. Gardening may lower the risk of dementia. Gardening encourages children to eat healthier. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 2. Gardening is always an excellent and environment friendly idea and if you can go for sustainable gardening then it will be even more useful for all. How cool is that! Vivian- I am so touched by your comment. amzn_assoc_region = "US";
You’re so welcome. Gardening has an association with older people because of all the benefits that come with it. Actually I caught flower pots on sale last year at Lowe’s and bought about twenty. Seasoned gardeners LOVE to help new gardeners. The U.S. public spends more than 90% of their time indoors, leading an extremely sedentary, disconnected, unhealthy, and unnatural lifestyle. Are you sure the food system is always going to be there to provide for you? The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies but never grows to the enduring happiness that the love of gardening gives. I LOVE this article! It will help a lot! As Michael Pollan has written, “It was the flower that first ushered the idea of beauty into the world the moment, long ago, when floral attraction emerged as an evolutionary strategy.”. Plants even filter out pollution that would be killing us now. Grace- I’ll send you a copy through Kindle. How true! The traditional kitchen garden, also known as a potager (from the French jardin potager) or in Scotland a kailyaird, is a space separate from the rest of the residential garden – the ornamental plants and lawn areas. It’s inspired me to get outside in the fresh air! i do it everyday, so i feel very happy with my life. THANK YOU FOR THIS GREAT LIST, LOOKING FORWARD TO GARDENING UNTIL I DIE! The impacts of dementia can be life changing so prevention is very important. Oklahoma growing zones range from 6a to 8a. There are so many things that could disrupt the production and delivery of food, it’s good to have a sustainable plan to feed yourself. I NEVER THOUGHT OF THE ZONE, BUT YES, I KNOW WHAT THE FEELING OF AN ALTERED STATE I GO TO WHILE GARDENING. 1. I’ve done it for years with daffs and tulips and it works beautifully. The importance of gardening to provide a habitat for bees and other pollinators Gardening at home without chemicals is so important to give pollinators a place to live and eat. So educative. I know I feel better When i’m outdoors and gardening provides that outlet. Gardening as a form of exercise can be good for you as it helps to release endorphins, … I’ve been wanting to plant some bulbs in my garden this summer, but I’ve been starting to wonder if it will be worth the effort. Two separate studies that followed people in their 60s and 70s for up to 16 years found, respectively, that those who gardened regularly had a 36% and 47% lower risk of dementia than non-gardeners, even when a range of other health factors were taken into account. I had similar feelings when my Mom died 10 years ago. As a matter of fact, it may be an even more effective stress buster than other leisure activities. When you dig, plant, weed, and engage in repetitive tasks that require strength or stretching, all of the major muscle groups are getting a good work out.

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When we reap our first harvest, we feel like we have conquered the world. Gardening is a favorite hobby for many. Garden of EIN Food Forest Farm was established to be a sustainable farm and provide affordable food to the people. Here’s how to grow cucumbers vertically. The act of gardening enables us to enter the ‘zone’, also known as an altered state of consciousness – similar to what a jogger or one who practices yoga or mediation can experience. Thanks for your comment. Garden beds, equipment and tools can all be modified to create a garden that is interesting, accessible and productive. Gardening burns calories. Gardening is educational and develops new skills including: Responsibility– from caring for plants Understanding– as they learn about cause and effect (for example, plants die without water, weeds compete with plants) Self-confidence – from achieving their goals and enjoying the food they have grown Sustainable gardening, also known as self-sufficient gardening, is a fancy term for growing fruits, vegetables, grass and shrubs, in a manner that does not use harmful pesticides, and promotes a continuous harvest that does not damage the environment. Gardening strengthens your immune system. Being surrounded by plants and flowers improves our health. it is the best stress reliever for me. It is likely that gardening and flowers serve as a means for survival; or in Darwinian terms, ‘survival of the fittest’. Gardening is vital for the environment that we live in, and it makes plants live. I quit my traditional job, started my own company and I am now a patented garden vertical products inventor, small scale manufacturer in Upstate, NY and I am so proud to help myself and others garden in a very clean, fun & vertical way! What Is Sustainable Gardening? It’s a good way to relieve stress from work and love to see the fruits of his labor. Being surrounded by flowers improves one’s health. Will appreciate any information you send m. xo-Fran, Paige- Was not aware that you purchased a property for a community garden. Plants, both indoor and outdoor, are natural air purifiers, taking air pollution and carbon dioxide in and releasing oxygen in return. Everything has a purpose and an important role in the ecosystem. As a result, gardening protects the environment. this write-up to him. The group that gardened reported being in a better mood than the group that read. It is all of those things—-and much more! The roots of these plants stabilize the soil and filter water. Thanks.Your work is very beneficial. For us gardeners, it’s just common sense that, of course, gardening is good for our health. Required fields are marked *. Gardening chores such as planting, weeding, harvesting, and watering are great physical exercise. I love not just gardening but really anything that gets me out and working in the yard – mowing, raking, etc. Thanks so much. This can aid in improving overall health and well-being while reducing exposure to harsh and dangerous toxins. I just need to know if that’ the e-mail address- is the correct e-mail. Gardening, the laying out and care of a plot of ground devoted partially or wholly to the growing of plants such as flowers, herbs, or vegetables. If you want organic produce, it’s going to be extremely expensive. It’s terrific to meet a kindred soul who embraces that gardening is a wonderful tool for health and well-being! Developing a sustainable plan to feed yourself is very important for your future. amzn_assoc_linkid = "37aa87bdd0851205701636b084b5b9f8";
Strongly agree that gardening puts you in the zone, it is one of the few activities that really helps me unwind. If there are no plants on our planet, we can’t breathe or eat. In short, being around plants can help to improve relationships between people and increase their concern and empathy toward others.” 2. I love what you wrote, that you ‘feel the energy of the soil and the sun and that you look forward to gardening until you die! I cannot even tell you how many awe-inspiring things I have learned from our garden. Thanks for your comment. 4. She says that, “When you sit at a desk all day, there’s something about literally putting your hands in the dirt, digging … Some of which are stress relief, access to sunlight, improved mood and a connection with the earth. Fran, Jane- I feel healthy and clean after eating my own produce. Fran, Thanks for an amazing article! This reminds why I love to spend time in the garden so beneficial for the souls PLUS. Read More How to Grow Cucumbers Vertically in Your GardenContinue. They are so much better than store bought. Gardening is considered moderate to high-intensity exercise. You can, therefore, read this entire guide to learn Kitchen Garden’s uses. What does the main importance of gardening mean to you? 36%-46% are some pretty impressive statistics, at that. The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. Plants are the source of life for us. Also, gardeners love to share tips with others. We learn so much from the garden about life cycles and the symbiotic relationships between plants, animals, bugs and so much more. Very nicely written, good piece of knowledge shared by commentators. Gardening brings people together. Thanks for this humor on a very rainy and cold Friday morning in my neck of the woods. Our food supply may not always be as efficient as it is now. Learn about the importance of gardening. I appreciate your comment. Who would argue that a packet of seeds that can grow multiple watermelons is less expensive than a single watermelon at the store? Check out what to plant and what to prepare and plan in the garden in April. Thanks for the amazing ideas. And now it’s your turn. BUT what still goes unnoticed are the physical benefits of it. It is something that you can cultivate and then enjoy the outcome. It is so interesting to me that you can burn around 330 calories with just one hour of gardening work. No other art form (I think) can be termed ‘living art’ in the same vein as gardening. Much appreciated. Wow, I had no idea that physical activity reduced the risk of dementia! It’s important to all of us for all kinds of reasons. H?! My hunch is that you will be spending several years after 75 in your garden. Gardening burns calories. In behavioral research conducted at Rutgers University by Jeanette M. Haviland-Jones, Ph.D., the results showed that flowers are a natural and healthful moderator of moods and have an immediate impact on happiness, a long term positive effects on mood, and make for more intimate connections between individuals. Fran. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0";
There are no guarantees. Gardening is a stress buster. Read?ng throug? There are gardeners I know how have hit 90 and are still in their gardens working and playing. “This is due to measurable increases in feelings of compassion; another effect of exposure to ornamental plants. Children love to play in the soil. Gardener Gillian Aldrich, a magazine editor, confirmed many of the benefits with CNN. I worked in an operation room 60 hours a week until I had a dream of an easier way to garden indoors that completely changed my life. And they also exhibited lower levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. Fran. Your email address will not be published. I ALSO FEEL THE CONNECTION WITH THE LIFE OF THE THE PLANTS AND ALL THE BUGS AND BIRDS THAT COME TO MY GARDEN, I FEEL THE ENERGY OF THE SOIL AND THE SUN. Am already considering creating a garden! I look forward to purchasing and reading you book. Save For Later Print For information about permaculture, click here. My husband is an avid gardener. Larry Dossey, M.D. Thank you so much for sharing an informative article. Thanks for posting. A graduate of the University of Chicago with Honors in Psychology, she is also a gardening and creativity expert, coach, inspirational speaker, CBS radio news gardening correspondent, and Huffington Post Contributor. The process of photosynthesis helps in the reduction of the carbon footprint. F?irly certain he ?ill have a good re?d. In turn, calcium helps keep your bones strong and your immune system healthy. Briefly, we know that children who are exposed to dirt in the formative years develop healthier, stronger immune systems when compared to children whose parents keep them squeaky clean, and they have a lower incidence of asthma, eczema and allergies later in life. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you can burn up to 330 calories during just one hour of light gardening and yard work — more than lifting weights for the same amount of time. Gardening Improves Relationships and Compassion. Period. amzn_assoc_asins = "B01J1HO6XY,B01N9OGUSD,B00YQUSERQ,B06XWVC8VC";
. This article describes a gardening project undertaken at two nursing homes in Scotland, where it was found to have numerous benefits for all involved. Develops Social Skills. Research from the National Gardening Association shows that home-grown food production has increased this … Children can … Home gardening requires gardening knowledge, ongoing nurturing of plants, maintenance skills, and consistent improvement. Thanks for the great info. © 2021 Little Sprouts Learning - WordPress Theme by Kadence WP, Month by Month Vegetable Garden Planting Guide, 10 Ways to Use Excess Okra from the Garden, When to Harvest Vegetables in the Garden (And Fruit), How to Grow Cucumbers Vertically in Your Garden. Is learning to garden a life or death situation? What is gardening? Many people just do gardening as a hobby, they never really realise the true benefits of gardening. Gardening can reduce your risk of stroke (along with other activities as jogging and swimming) as reported in “Stroke: Journal of The American Heart Association”. Many people choose home gardening as a hobby – that is why I started gardening in the first place – but it turns out that there are many other reasons why home gardening is increasing in popularity. In that case, I completely agree with the other answers. When you cultivate in your garden, you cannot do everything by yourself. My friend is always playing those brain-exercise games to try and ward off future dementia. Beginners love to ask for advice from seasoned gardeners. Most vegetable gardens are still miniature versions of old family farm plots, but the kitchen garden is different not only in its history, but also its design. For more than 5000 years, people have cultivated flowers. And for information about companion planting, check this out. That’s why it’s important to join a gardening club or sniff out which neighbors are keen gardeners. Read More 10 Ways to Use Excess Okra from the GardenContinue. Physical benefits of gardening Enhanced air quality. Fran, I haven’t posted a comment on been on linked-in for a very long while. It is an ongoing breathing relationship. Please keep posting. Here are some statistics that bear this out: Ideally, these statistics will put some fire in your belly to spend more time outdoors in nature and gardening. Your growing zones makes a big difference in how you grow, so you need to know where you are on the USDA zoning map. Thank you for sharing. Some medical conditions and physical disabilities may restrict or prevent older people from participating in gardening. This transcendent state is a magical and spiritual place where one experiences the best of who she/he is. Thanks for your comment. I was in the zone and in the moment and content. Your phrase ‘my grief was like a heavy, itchy coat that I could not take off’ was something I can identify with. Thank you for your encouraging post. Am glad you enjoyed. Fran. Can it make a difference really? Fran, what a great article! We also sponsored one of our clinicians to become a certified horticultural therapist. 2. Wow. Plants and trees grow there, taking in carbon and releasing oxygen. Google+ | LinkedIn | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest. I especially like gardening because of the fresh air and natural beauty. I’d love to hear how gardening has had an impact on your health and well-being. Bees, butterflies, wasps and other bugs that pollinate your garden are also keeping scores of humans alive on this earth by providing us with food. Our children learn from the garden with us as well. That article has hit a chord with thousands of folks. Any post on this blog may contain affiliate links that pay me a very small commission for items you purchase using the links but costs you nothing extra. Gardening is a great form of exercise. Digging in the soil has actual health and ‘mood boosting’ benefits. This is true. Hey Fran, This is most of the reasons why i garden. Would love an e-book on “Digging Deep”. Let Schulte's show you the numerous benefits of gardening. If you are creating a new garden, then you have as much choice as you would with containers. Soil is one of the most important factors in successful gardening, whether in containers or in the ground. If your garden looks “tired” or you want to change up your garden, then Colin Ridgewell & Sons is one of the best gardening companies. If we do gardening then they can reduce your risk of stroke and also gardening is a stress buster they also filter pollution. Gardening is very theraputic at the same time as being satisfying. It’s like all projects that people are able to get ‘stuck in’ to, nothing comes close to the sheer pleasure of doing it, other than perhaps the satisfaction of admiring your achievements afterwards. good articles. Cathy- Fran. Research shows that people who spend extended lengths of time around plants tend to have better relationships with others. I couldn’t agree more. It’s definitely one of the biggest benefits of home ownership, in my opinion anyway! Having our own garden in a limited space helps our creativity. 5. If this is something that interests you and your garden is in need of some TLC, don’t fear! Click here to see more information on the importance of bees. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart";
Read More When to Harvest Vegetables in the Garden (And Fruit)Continue. You can always make more money, but you will never get back time. Copyright © 2007–2021 8. Looking forward to reading more. Sharing is a simple yet important act of generosity. Fran, Sean – So true. Did you ever figure out your container conundrum Cathy? Happy gardening! Gardeners love to help each other. I love knowing about these reasons why gardening is good for you. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual";
In organic gardening, garden soil provides not only a growing medium, but also a thriving, biodiverse ecosystem of life which supports the plants in the garden.

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