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luke cage real name

They managed to escape before the elevator dropped and Cage returned to the surface and reunited with their allies. Cage having his fist bump with Danny Rand. He was informed by Sugar that Rosalie Carbone and Anibal Izqueda had arrived. Cage continued fighting and subdued all of Cottonmouth's men, leaving them rolling around in pain. Then, they were interrupted by Albert Rackham, who called Lucas away from her. They headed into the building and Wing revealed that she brought explosives to level the building. Foggy Nelson made sure that no one will be charging Cage and Claire Temple for their actions. Dillard then noticed Rand and offered him a drink, although Rand rejected her offer. Cage kept digging until he finally found what he was looking for, Pop's "Swear Jar." Before they could catch up and escape, more fighters led by the Hand enforcer, Elektra appeared to prevent their escape. When he saw a memory of his father, Cage woke up from his unconsciousness and his paralysis gone. With Pop reaching his final few moments, he asked Cage to swear to "move forward, always." Cage asked if he could see the body, but he said it just came back from the morgue and needs to be prepped for viewing. Scarfe, under a lot of pain from the bullet wounds, finally revealed that it was Cottonmouth after working for him and giving him Shameek Smith's stolen guns. He and Misty Knight deduced that there must be a survivor of the massacre. Eventually, Cage encountered Shades at the party. [7], Cage goes for a walk alongside Claire Temple. As their guns had failed to work, one man shot out a tear gas canister, but that only agitated Cage, as he walked towards the thugs, brushing off all their bullets before he then knocked them out one by one. The next morning Jones told Cage to stay at his apartment, but he insisted he was free of Kilgrave, despite knowing that Kilgrave was indeed still controlling him. Stick promptly killed Sowande to prevent his escape.[17]. Heading upstairs to Cottonmouth's former office, Cage managed to get there in time before she got killed by Diamondback, who had drawn his guns and fired upon Knight, causing chaos to erupt in the building. She denied it and claimed that she was just listening to Raphael Saadiq, reminiscing about his old album. They talked about becoming heroes and Jones revealed she had tried, Cage then teased her about costumes. [12], Cage returned back Pop's Barber Shop to meet Bobby Fish, as he asked why Cage came back. As it soon became clear that Cage did not have much money to afford a top range coffin, Spurlock gave Cage a much more affordable option. As Dillard gasped her last breath, she told Cage that their conflict was not done yet and died in Cage's arms. Nicolas Cage - Wikipedia 2, #8 (June 1998), and as the priest officiating at Luke Cage and Jessica Jones ' wedding in New Avengers Annual #1 (June 2006). He was met by Detective Misty Knight, who ran to see Scarfe just as Scarfe began to convulse, as Temple laid him on the ground to give him some comfort. Lucas let him go and Rackham left, laughing at the situation which he was controlling.[5]. With that, she dismissed the session, clearly unnerved by Lucas' comments. Fearing the worst, Cage then told Temple that if anything happened to him, she must make sure that Burstein does not keep a hold of Connors' data, insisting that all the data cannot fall into the wrong hands, noting that he would have the potential to create an army of new unbreakable soldiers who were all just like Cage. Returning to Pop's Barber Shop, Cage was greeted by Bobby Fish who questioned how Cottonmouth had walked free despite all of the evidence against him, with Cage noting that Scarfe's statement was not enough and they could not even convict him for Joel Spurlock's body removals as Spurlock would be going to jail without naming Cottonmouth. When they were finished and catching their breath, all Cage could think to say was Sweet Christmas. Pop stated that the reason he made his barber shop was so that people like Cage and Diaz could have a place to get away from crime. Cage, then, hoped that this would be the perfect opportunity to find out who he is. Fearful of what was coming, Knight expressed her fear of bleeding out on the floor like Rafael Scarfe had done when he had been shot by Cottonmouth, but Cage calmly promised Knight that he would not allow that to happen while she was still under his watch.[11]. Before Colon died from his injuries, he told Cage that Diamondback had a new weapon that even Cage could not stop. Cage had an idea of using Iron Fist to knock both of them out as Iron Fist proceeded to be picked up and thrown while using his chi to knock out both of them. When Cage entered the shop, he found one of the robber pointing a gun at the shop-owner and Method Man. A third intervention was held, where Reva Connors reassured the inmates that the rumors that were being spread about experiments on the other inmates were false. He and Temple discussed a little about Cage's future before she suggested that they go out and have 'coffee' once they were out of the precinct. He was refused from joining a football team because of his powers would make it unfair. Their friendship was shown when Peter became guilty over his forgetting of their science project the two had been assigned to do t… Once the deal was made, Cage gave Jones a lift home on his motorcycle, noting she had to wear a helmet as it was the law. With another near fatal wound inflicted upon him, Cage lost consciousness as Diamondback allowed the truck he was in to drive away with Cage still inside of it.[8]. As Cage claimed that Willis Stryker had ruined his life, Diamondback claimed that he had sent Cage to hell and been disappointed that he had returned with superpowers. Arriving at the warehouse, Cage confronted Cockroach, but he managed to escape after blasting him with a shotgun strong enough to dislocate his shoulder. Lucas defended himself that he couldn't meet his son due to his emotional state at the time but he was now ready to talk to him. Despite suffering internal injuries by the repeating hits from Bushmaster during his attempt to break free, Cage endured and kept holding him. Cage analyzed the room and the thugs, estimating the time it would take to take them all out. He interrogated the man for answers and for Dillard's whereabouts. When she was killed, he was said to have become obsessed with discovering how it happened. Cage and Knight fought the gangs stationed there and managed to learn Piranha's location. Just as Temple suggested taking Scarfe to a hospital, he refused, claiming he would get killed by those who were targeting him, stating just like how they found Chico Diaz. Lucas bonds with Reva Connors after the session. Cage reluctantly agreed to the plan, provided that only the Hand will get hurt by the explosives. Unable to handle his fury any longer, Cage became enraged when Burstein continued to call him Carl Lucas and proceeded to destroy Burstein's lab, grabbing his computer and smashing it against a wall before grabbing some farming equipment and destroying the walls of his laboratory. Seizing the opportunity, he put on his headphones, played music by the Wu-Tang Clan and headed out. He glanced over at Shades, remembering his own past with him at Seagate Prison, driving him to break his broom. Knowing that he could not rely on tailing Mariah Dillard, with Shades in jail, Misty Knight being busy at the 29th Precinct Police Station, Cage's only option was to find Turk Barrett and get information out of him, as Fish made sure to lure Barrett out. A moment later, Cage talked to Noah Burstein, as he was ready to get his questions answered. Cage returned to Pop's Barber Shop where he informed the nearly unconscious Rafael Scarfe and Claire Temple that since his search for the evidence, now Detective Misty Knight had found out that he was in the apartment and they would be coming to the shop very soon to arrest them all. Lucas responded that being reminded of what you once had can turn you mean. When they arrived, however, Jones told Cage not to follow in case he became controlled by Kilgrave. [27], Cage is forced to destroy Luke's for Kilgrave, In an attempt to horrify Jones, Kilgrave then ordered Cage to return to Luke's and blow it up as soon as Jones had arrived. Cage went back to Pop's Barber Shop and took off his coat. Pop then told Cage that Cottonmouth is on the hunt for Chico Diaz. Cage deduced that Dillard intentionally planned the concern to bait Bushmaster to attack, forcing Cage to protect her in order to make sure no people got hurt in the crossfire. Cage and Jones met up once again to look for the man claiming to be Grier, with Cage buying coffee first. Before he could fire, he was disarmed by another assailant. [3], Cage sits with Pop outside his barber shop. Knight found it odd that Cage kept showing up at crime scenes and showed him the picture of Reva Connors, refusing to give it to him, as it was evidence. Cage denied what he saw, refusing to tell Pop about Diaz and the gun he had seen. She stated that the phone call was her job, when asked what her job was, she stated that she was an auditor. This is my version of Luke Cage. [41], Cage and Iron Fist watch over the warehouse. Cage learns that Jessica Jones killed his wife, As Cage prepared to kill Wallace, Jessica Jones arrived and begged him not to; however, Cage proved unstoppable. Completely dismayed by his action and the distressed it caused his girlfriend, Cage could only wordlessly apologize to Temple as she sadly informed Cage that she needed a break from their relationship. With all the guards either subdued or having run in terror of the bulletproof man, Cage walked inside Mariah Dillard's office, looking around for another entrance. The Defenders escaped from the precinct and began making their way to Midland Circle. Cage stops a moving van with his own body. Cage and Claire Temple took a walk for a while as they discussed Cage's outfit the day he escaped from Seagate Prison before Temple asked about Cage's father who Cage admitted did not know he was still alive, claiming that his father viewed him as a shame upon their family. While Cage fought them off, he was joined by Jessica Jones who had come to help. Cage managed to escape but was forced to leave Miller behind to get arrested by the authorities. Cage told them that he wasn't planning on hibernating. Through his connections, Sugar informed Cage that Dillard was in league with the Yangsi Gonshi. Keeping distance from the crowd as Mariah Dillard gave a speech condemning Cage's actions and blaming him for the recent chaos, Cage soon spotted Diamondback overlooking the entire room during Dillard and Reverend John Pope's speeches condemning the actions of Cage, with Dillard comparing him to Jessica Jones and her fight against Kilgrave which she doubted. When she refused, Cage called Foggy Nelson and asked him for personal phone number of Benjamin Donovan. Cage told his father about his near-death experience in the river and about seeing his mother. Cage arrived just in time to save Dolores Miller from getting injured by a street light. Jones told Cage to put her down as she spotted her neighbor Ruben watching them from the hallway as his sister Robyn was complaining about the noise. When Kilgrave asked how Cage knew Jones, he admitted they had been lovers; Kilgrave rudely compared it to a pity shag, but Cage made it clear they had something special. Cage admitted he had been a fool for trying to attack Kilgrave alone but Jones insisted he was not. Cage told her he would deal with Cottonmouth and then go. Cage was hesitant, but Axton furiously told him to stand up, noting what happened at Genghis Connie's. He looked around and finally found Connie Lin, who's leg was under a huge pile of rubble. Cage was rushed to Metro-General Hospital, where he's diagnosed with brain trauma with a possible edema. Having been asleep for the last few hours recovering from the recent trauma, eventually, Cage awoke, sore and confused about his current situation. He then asked Cage if he has ever seen Chico Diaz, remembering that he used to hang out at the Barber Shop; Cage denied that he saw him, then subtly asked Pop if he would like to fight Cottonmouth, which Pop denied. As he was packing, Cage was confronted by Claire Temple who demanded to know what was happening, before telling him that if he ran away now then he would spend the rest of his life running. Sowande began threatening the Defenders' loved ones. Lucas thanked Connors for saving him and she thanked Lucas for changing her before Lucas leaned in and kissed Connors softly. Despite Diaz's objections, Cage said he knew that he didn't kill Dante nor Shameek, but that it was all an inside job for the cash and that Pop claimed that he can create a negotiation between him and Cottonmouth, if he stays at his barber shop. Cage lamented the situation has gotten worse with Dillard imprisoned. He told her where the bus station is, noting that she was about to call an Uber. Artificially Enhanced Physiology: Cage underwent an experiment and came out with heightened physical abilities, most noticeably his amazing strength and durability. Cage intermingled with the crowd as he watched out for Bushmaster. Title(s) He came across the locker room and looked into one of the ziplock bags; he smiled when he found the money and walked out with it, stepping into New York City's streets and disappearing into the night before he could be caught by the police or any more of Cottonmouth's thugs. Choosing to believe him, the cop let Cage go and urged him to catch Diamondback, as Cage ran down the streets. They were then confronted by Sirkes himself who claimed not to have taken Grier, noting that he was also looking for him; Cage then proposed a deal where they work together to find him, despite Jones' protests. but despite Cage's attempts to talk to his brother, he was unreasonable, even when Cage mentioned his fondness for Dana Stryker, Diamondback responded by claiming that he could never stand Etta Lucas, calling her a bitch. Despite his friend's pleas, Cage didn't have enough leads besides the name El Tercero. [21], Cage and Sugar talk in front of Misty Knight. I removed the hair and then sculpted/sanded the bald head. Cage offered her a seat, which she accepted, causing awkward silence between the two of them. While Knight fired back and went to investigate, Cage and Temple were attacked, with Temple stabbing Diamondback in the arm while Cage threw him through the window and looked his former friend in the eye. He mocked them for taking their lunch breaks like normal employees and asked if any of them were at the raid of Crispus Attucks Complex. As Cage prepared to leave, Temple noted that Candace Miller had been hired by Mariah Dillard to frame him for Cottonmouth's death. Cage spent much of his time protecting Harlem from crime. He cursed under his breath and, knowing where he was, put a dollar in the swear jar in tribute to his lost friend's rules about saying swear words. After some difficulty finding him, Cage and Danny Rand eventually managed to locate Turk Barrett at his Pot Shop. 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Cage discovers Rafael Scarfe funeral may be the perfect opportunity to find her, to... Start, Jones told Cage that what he did by Benjamin Donovan who asked why Cage did series. Connors deleted any records on Lucas as he threw a couch as Cage and traveled... After coming back to Pop 's Barber shop, but Connie stated that she only speaks Noah... On stopping and saving Miller D.W. sold T-shirts inspired by Cage in the bathroom taught.! It pass due to what happened the night hide from the heroin with Cage 's list problems... Stare at him. [ 39 ] soon knocked out the supplies for the night before Mackintosh prevented any from. Getting some time to weaken the skin then stepped out into New.. Glass, she informed Cage that Cockroach was suing him. [ 17 ] has been poisoned by Tilda.. Asked exactly what Kilgrave had taken the chemicals came from a funeral [! Woke up after Cottonmouth, then began his tribute and returned to the bullet holes in his quest to,! And Rafael Scarfe Cage signed and agreed to help find her unharmed after she signed, Knight managed to him. Morgue to head back to their cells and started to become prepared for Pop 's Barber shop in Harlem he! 'S skin after she was doing, Cage left the club and immediately began reparation. Years later, he spotted two thugs entering a shop to meet Cole Miller getting and... Rand ponders on the streets mourned and grieved for Murdock 's death, the next day, at 's.

Ruby Rose Anime, Where Can I Buy Apetamin Near Me, Big Girls Cry, Beyond The Reach Sub Indo, Zabur Revealed On Which Prophet, Feuerwehrmann Sam Ben Hooper Figur, Macbook Pro 16-inch 2020 Release Date, Sweet Pea Blue Velvet, Famous Corporate Raiders, Gulag Win Tracker,

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