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how to delete post from slashdot

To: "''" "I tried to think of different possibilities or testing cases on how can I delete a story of any user. It's also unethical. Considering that Slashdot is clearly an environment for discussion and debate the posting of Copyrighted material should be legal as long as it pertains to the topic being discussed. Most of us did not agree that Micros~1's implementation of kerberos did not fit the standard. But now suppose there's a webpage in Shangrila, also out of reach of DMCA, that has a link to the page in Lilliput. From a report: That nasty estimate comes from Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger, who offered that vague timeframe to The Washington Post … One Microsoft Way, 114/2314 If they could find you... You do know that the FBI reads /., right? Now, I went and looked at this comment. Today it's owned by BIZX, LLC. I'm very confused, where in my post did i include any part of M$'s information? They wised up and eventually put an. Thanks to blueunderwear for tick them off. This thread should be copied to a servers all over the world as soon as possible by whichever AC's have the resources. The preauth ID is: #define KRB5_PADATA_PAC_REQUEST 128, 1 Neuman, C., Kohl, J., Ts'o, T., "The Kerberos Network Authentication Service (V5)", draft-ietf-cat-kerberos- revisions-05.txt, March 10, 2000, 2 Tung, B., Hur, M., Medvinsky, A., Medvinsky, S., Wray, J., Trostle, J., " Public Key Cryptography for Initial Authentication in Kerberos", draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-pk-init-11.txt, March 15, 2000"". On the other hand, if you win then you get the "David slays Goliath" kudos. Use the threat of legal force to intimidate anyone who might be considering writing a competing implementation -- not necessarily even based on information from the paper -- into cancelling the effort. The balance of your e-mail's content is somewhat puzzling to us. Subject: Notice of Copyright Infringement under the Digitial Millennium Copyright Act Kerberos is a MIT copyright, not a Micros~1 copyright. If the value is TRUE, a PAC will be included independent of other preauth data. Reading this comment, something occured to me. The 2 typical tasks in programming, adding a new small feature to an existing program and debugging a bug are about 100 lines of code and 2 … If you attempt to figure out what's occurring, you're in violation. I suspect however that the fact that it's included is simply a bug in their legal process that will be resolved in, I suspect that the fact that it's included is simply a bug in their legal process that will be resolved in. Just a snippet, but you get the point. "by rcw-work ( on Tuesday, May 02, @07:12PM Qualcomm's New Snapdragon 821 Is 10 Percent Faster Than the 820, Pokemon Game Adds $7.5 Billion To Nintendo Market Value In Two Days. This ain't a surprise. Even Apple, with its very good GUI has a command line. It's not the Copyright stuff that frightens me, Re:Microsoft gets pissed, *everyone* suffers. In addition, some comments include links to unauthorized reproductions of See, this is why we hate black-hat hackers. They are trying to make their public relations nightmare worse then it already is. But you are always free to view it. So when will the nice experience give way to a horrible one? Granted I don't care too much most of the opinions of slashdot editors (or posters for that matter). Facebook is also taking a hands-off approach to the many, many Facebook posts I see advocating for the violent riots that have been sweeping the nation. Being one of the named (hey you bright microsoft lusers, you forgot to capitalized my L!) On Thursday, YouTube creator Molly Burke presented Wojcicki with the accolade in a video shared to the platform. I don't get why so many people bitch about comments being reprinted without permission--there are too many people, and too many AC's to make that possible; and this is a. Copyright © 2021 SlashdotMedia. No it does not. "by Sami ( on Tuesday May 02, @01:47PM EST "he could intercept the HTTP request and simply change the identifier to that of another post.". No new comments can be posted. The line must be drawn here!" I must say though that Microsoft seems a bit childish about it. Something like: I'm 100% certain that when i say this, i am saying it for all of Slashdot's readers:-, Comment removed based on user account deletion. the Specification, and some comments contain instructions on how to Here goes: Posting the data is all well and good, but.... (Score:2) by smartin on 03:20 PM May 2nd, 2000 EST (#86) What happens to the people that implement it (ie. Slack removed the post in the past few days in the wake of widespread protests about police brutality after a … There is absolutely nothing you would gain from deleting a slashdot account. But this is also a public forum, available to anyone, so anyone can reproduce those comments. Personally, I favor a breakup and summary executions, but I'm a moderate. In this case, they fail to check whether the client is actually the owner of the post. Just because doing so is against what the EULA says, you must remember that the EULA was never agreed to when somebody decides to simply open it in winzip. Here it is guys. Anything below a 0 gets filtered out by default. Meet Bill Hwang, founder of Archegos Capital Management: Starting in 2013, he parlayed more than $200 million left over from his shuttered hedge fund into a mind-boggling fortune by betting on stocks.Had he folded his hand in early March and … Are they endangering the project? IANAL, but I think you'd also be free to try to reverse engineer a compiled GPL binary, if you really wanted to do that, instead of look at the source. Slashdot allows readers to assign scores to comments, and you can adjust the score you are willing to look at. I can't believe slashdot has come to this. On the other hand, if, as some people claim, the DMCA does in fact contradict the First Amendment, that would be a good reason to throw out the DMCA. "by ka9dgx on Tuesday May 02, @2:52PM EST (#133)" circumvent the End User License Agreement that is presented as part of the It's really hard to review what Microsoft is questioning, because the references to comments posted to Slashdot are not themselves hyperlinks. So far I've been fairly pleased with reading things on Medium, although some of the weird sliding underlay pics I can do without. The company started in co-founder John Warnock's garage in 1982, and was named after the Adobe Creek which ran behind Warnock's home, offering pioneering capabilities in "What you see is what you get" (or WYSIWYG) desktop publishing. If some user puts up some illegal web page, the company contacts the ISP and the ISP contacts the user and tells the user that they will remove it or have it removed for them and then directs the company to bug the user. I don't think it's a double-standard at all. Distribute liberally, knowing that standard means of unwrapping the document -- on any platform but your own -- will not present the invalid license agreement anyway. I'm not a proponent of completely yanking 230 away, but it's worth the time to think about what a post-230 world could be. They can't sweep it under the carpet from there. Wrap the paper in some sort of mechanism which presents the warning and a license agreement nominally waiving fair use, reverse engineering, and free speech rights. There may be more comments in this discussion. See, for example, LA Times v. Free Republic []. Your client is the main enemy of everyone who uses a computer. Comments Containing A Copy of the Specification:.."by smartin on Tuesday, May 02, @02:20PM EST (#86)". And furthermore I vote that all of us users start appending those posts to our new posts like this: The notion that Microsoft should be allowed to censor. We are not happy about this, to say the least. for Microsoft Windows 2000 Operating Systems" (hereafter "Specification"). Maybe it was outsourced. "by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday, May 02, @03:37PM EST (#197)" It might be even more fun to do this to M$, if they (an individual company) keeps fighting things in court, maybe they'll bankrupt... unlike the Entertainment Trust which still owns a lot of people's hearts and minds. In other words, suppose someone places a copy on a server in Lilliput, out of the reach of DMCA (and perhaps a rogue nation that doesn't acknowledge intellectual property rights at all). "The framers of the constitution maintained that a free exchange of knowledge is essential for the good of society, and it is from this assertion that both copyright law and the fair use doctrine find their roots." Maybe hire Johnny Cocran to take the case as well as Andover's lawyers. NASA on Friday selected SpaceX to build spacecraft that would land astronauts on the moon for the first time since the last Apollo mission, according to a source selection document obtained by The Washington Post. That would be authentication. An anonymous reader quotes a report from Newsweek: YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki received a "Free Expression" award from the Freedom Forum Institute in a virtual ceremony sponsored by YouTube, an online video platform owned by Google. If the value is FALSE, then no PAC will be included, even if other preauth data is present. Re:Sweet! Basically, I think they're right about the postings of their files being copyright violations. The lawyer's email itself contains links to the posts which link to the material that they want removed. In this hypothetical, a webpage in the US with a link to that copy in Lilliput would be illegal. Could an Ethically-Correct AI Shut Down Gun Violence? Sincerely, We request immediate action to remove the cited violations from Andover's They're full of shit with regard to the EULA-bypassing. I vote for a refusal to edit the posts or remove. Oh, and reinstall CommonSense while they're about it. servers, in accordance with the provisions of the Digital Millennium "by myconid (my S conid@ P toge A the M on Tuesday May 02, @07:27PM GPL'd code allows you to view the source code, and reverse engineer a protocol or standard, if you so desire. Your client is different. No need in reposting the whole thing: You would be post #86. Let us not forget that the DMCA has a reverse engineering provision. Copyright Act of 1998. FTC Settles With Big CD Makers-Cheaper CDs Coming? This discussion has been archived. I for one do not work for Microsoft, and never have. Let's post these Microsoft copywrited materials to some discussion group on MSN. It's nice to see someone making sense. -- Dave "First Strike" Pare. Will the admin stand up for the right of free speach and fight this fight or will they surrender to the will of the man? Perhaps a blogging platform needn't the same level of security as a bank or nuclear power centre. I'm so frustrated, MS might as well have written the law -- it's damn near airtight (even though its application here has to be unconstitutional). Obviously modding that crap reduces the points mods have to spend elsewhere. I've never even downloaded or read it in whole or in part. Now, one hacker has found a way to edit or delete any post on the publishing platform. Therefore, the lawyer's email is also suspect and must be removed! Hey, at least they're visiting the site. Yo, J.K. Weston: Slashdot has generated a lot of heat in the past, but that was directed at entities that were only tangetially opposed to the main subject matter of this site. Defendants are not asserting interactive computer service immunity as a defense. I don't know what MS is doing to be honest. Keep calm, keep thinking. Circumventing the EULA is not illegal. Slashdot is a business, subject to US law. That explains why I haven't found a single thing on that site worth reading. Here's my c*ckmonkey work for the morning: Which would result in the removal of precisely, "They invade our space, and we fall back. Point it at and keep reading! If you wish to expound further on the code, you must either make your changes public, or not use any of the GPL'd code at all. Well, short of nationalization, and summary execution of all key officers. Uber CEO Says Its Service Will Probably Shut Down Temporarily in California if It's Forced To Classify Drivers as Employees, Deutsche Bank Research: Tax Home Workers 'To Help Those Who Cannot', 'Divinity Consultants' are Now Designing Sacred Rituals for Some Corporations. It's ironic really that it's everybody's favourite company, Microsoft, that's the one to finally do it though :). Yet they are also complaining about proposals to bybass the EULA to view the document. Because of a violation of copyrights, we were obliged under the DMCA to remove the information enclosed in this posting. In that vein, it has "Because then slashdot, wikipedia, and literally every website with a comments section would go, too." ", "Remember as well that Microsoft has made the spec publicly available as long as you agree to certain terms--including that you don't tell anyone else the spec. And /. Andover.Net Plaintiffs and defendants filed cross motions for summary judgment on the fair use issue. Stack Overflow blog: They say there's a kernel of truth behind every joke. Defeating Trump, Joe Biden Declared Winner of US Presidential Election, Chuck Schumer Wants To Replace Every Gas Car in America With an Electric Vehicle, Trump Attacks Legitimate Vote-Counting Efforts and Claims Fraud Without Basis, Richard Stallman's Return Denounced by the EFF, Tor Project, Mozilla, and the Creator of Rust. Just a note (because IANAL almost goes without saying anymore): These should be added to the list with insightful, etc. Archives, which include unauthorized reproductions of Microsoft's The interface to GIF is restricted by the LZW compression patent; MPEG audio layer 3 is also patented. Comments Containing Instructions on How to Bypass the End User License Acton, MA 01720 Taiwan or Malta would be good - they don't have copyright laws there at all, so MS couldn't really do anything about it. Someone should start a fund to help Slashdot in case Slashdot does get sued by Microsoft, even though it's very unlikely Slashdot will win. We are not responsible for them in any way. One of those purposes is interoperability. I've been waiting for this to happen for a LONG time. But, as The Verge points out, the outlined strategy includes "a robotic scheme that will develop new staffing schedules using an algorithm. Let's try to keep the postings here to a certain standard of maturity. Even scoring the post down to a -1 is a victory for the troll who knows that garbage is still there. They need UCITA for that to stick. Do you really believe that slashdot wouldn't censor a list of credit card numbers? But Slashdot reader I75BJC still favors "scary commands in a terminal," leaving this comment on the original submission: If you can't type with the big adults, stay on your PlayStation. "I'm so excited to be here … The short version is on GEEK.COM (see, Suppose someone from outside the US, and not governed by DCMA, grabbed the document. The editors are Beau ("BeauHD") Hamilton, Manish ("manishs") Singh, David ("EditorDavid"), and Logan ("whipslash") Abbott. Oh yeah, that's right, there's no self-management. Comments Containing Links to Internet Sites with Unauthorized Copies of the Specification: "by ka9dgx on Tuesday May 02, @2:52PM EST (#133)" [], Comments Containing Instructions on How to Bypass the End User License Agreement and Extract the Specification: "by myconid (my S conid@ P toge A the M on Tuesday May 02, @07:27PM EST (#362)" [] "by markb on Tuesday May 02, @05:47PM EST (#321)" [] "by Sami ( on Tuesday May 02, @01:47PM EST (#19)" [] "by iCEBalM (icebalm@[NOSPAM] on Tuesday May 02, @01:52PM EST (#33)" [] "by Jonny Royale (moc.mocten.xi@notners) on Tuesday, May 02, @01:59PM EST (#51)" [] "by rcw-work ( on Tuesday, May 02, @07:12PM EST (#353)" []. If Katz is correct, and those people really wanted their letters used in the book, and didn't really want to be contacted for fear of reprisals if the wrong people find out, then there shouldn't be any lawsuits. Judge Morrow issued a tentative opinion on October 8, 1999 that the fair use defense fails. They assimilate entire worlds, and we fall back. "In this case, they fail to check whether the client is actually the owner of the post.". It will hold a meeting of related ministers as early as Tuesday to formally decide on the plan, a major … comments below, categorized by corresponding activities, are examples of the is great for raising a stink, especially when it comes to Microsoft :) So everyone should be working to publisize this as a violation of free speech and general interference by a corporation intent on making money at the expense of other's work. How about we all just mirror the content? If my knowledge of copyright law is correct (Not necessarily so), the user posts may fall under fair use -- provided that not too much was used. (425) 703-5529 My prediction, and no, I can't back it up, is that if this had happened a year ago, Slashdot would have stood it's ground. This will allow a huge expansion in business operations. Because the GPL represents Free Speech, DMCA represents Corporate Censorship. At issue is whether the actions of the Free Republic website in carrying the plaintiffs' copyrighted news stories constitute copyright infringement under Title 17, and whether such actions fall with the fair use defense (17 USC 107). Yea, then he changed his mind and decided the thing to do would be to turn tail and run, while blowing up his own ship. As soon as you start controlling what people post, you will become liable for everything posted! Editor-in-Chief, I think you're being a bit too idealistic here. Microsoft Asks Slashdot To Remove Readers' Posts, Re:Perhaps just remove the actual text copies, Re:Suggestion: Mark Up Microsoft's E-mail with Lin, Re:I think that using those posts is the kiss of d, Suggestion: Mark Up Microsoft's E-mail with Links. Why is it ok to break the DMCA but not okay for me to go break the GPL? According to netcraft, more people are aware medium exists than are aware slashdot [still] exists. Trademarks property of their respective owners. "by Jonny Royale (moc.mocten.xi@notners) on Tuesday, May 02, @01:59PM EST This doesn't have anything to do with DMCA. Obviously, Microsoft's Windows 2000 goes a bit beyond that. "At the root of the issue is whether Microsoft legally has the right to keep its Kerberos extensions under copyright. I open all my .exe files with Winzip -- Don't you!?!?". Under the provisions of the DMCA, we expect that having been duly notified And they're even appealing its order that Elon Musk delete a 2018 tweet which the Board said "coercively threatened" workers considering unionization with the loss of stock options. Our friends at Microsoft are upset about some of the readers' comments attached to the story, Kerberos, PACs And Microsoft's Dirty Tricks (posted on May 2), and would like us to remove those comments from Slashdot. "(A) is primarily designed or produced for the purpose of circumventing a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected under this title; "(B) has only limited commercially significant purpose or use other than to circumvent a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected under this title; note:"(A) to 'circumvent a technological measure' means to descramble a scrambled work, to decrypt an encrypted work, or otherwise to avoid, bypass, remove, deactivate, or impair a technological measure, without the authority of the copyright owner; and, (B) a technological measure 'effectively controls access to a work' if that measure, in ordinary course of its operation, requires the application of information, or a process or a treatment, with the authority of the copyright owner, to gain access to the work. Slack recently deleted one of the company's own blog posts that explained how a local police department used the chat platform to share intelligence.From a report: The move came after some Black Slack employees flagged the blog post years ago, one employee suggested on Twitter. Other matters remain for trial, which may be set for around September of 2000. J.K. Weston, Designated Agent for developers to discuss topical issues of interest. But he argued that it's a free speech issue, which it isn't. I have not read the comments so I am not certain this pertains. There may be more comments in this discussion. Slashdot was created in 1997 by Rob "CmdrTaco" Malda. We understand that your website,, is a popular site I think most platforms that offer comments as a side business would need to turn them off. Copyright © 2021 SlashdotMedia. Angel investor Balaji S. Srinivasan (also the former CTO of Coinbase) is now focused on, which wants to give you money to do his bidding — or something like that.He's calling it "the first newsletter that pays you. Posting copyrighted material (like the specification) is not. In a follow-up to a story previously reported, Slashdot reader Turkinolith shares a report from Teslarati: In the latest trials and tribulations of a SpaceX Starlink competitor that went bankrupt after spending $3 billion to launch just 74 small internet satellites, it appears that OneWeb knowingly misled both media and US regulators over a claimed 'near-miss' with a Starlink satellite. referenced comments from its servers and forward our complaint to the owner Microsoft is playing very dirty pool with this "specification.". Ok, how about we get the option to remove/edit our comments with some sort of system notice that identifies to other users that a comment was there, but now removed by... or edited by... Ha! If they decide to take you to court and you eventually lose the extra publicity will be worth far more than the fine. If this ever reaches court (who knows, let's hope not), and Microsoft can show 400 postings which say "fuCk yOU mICRo$oft", it won't help too much. But if, under DMCA, links to illegally-copied material are ruled illegal, then are links to links to illegally-copied material illegal? Post a warning on the paper that implementing the specification without advance written permission is illegal. I tried to find out the exact licence the kerberos protocol was licenced under. I think a little precision is in order on this contentious issue. Full text of Katz books free on the web! Now people know that Medium exists. Here is what I said in it's entirety: I recall something like this from another forum: If Slashdot edits or removes any posts, it may then be legally responsible for the content of. A lot of porn sites could be gamed this way to. You get the preview and alter the URL and next thing you know your in the directory for all of that model's pics. Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way, 114/2314 Redmond, WA 98052, I suppose that this had to happen sooner or later given some of the things that get posted to /. I'm awaiting news that Forbes is has been hacked next. In his final letter to shareholders as Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos said that the company has to "do a better job for our employees." They asked Slashdot to remove articles which violated Microsoft's legitimate copyright. Microsoft is attempting to create a new legal classification ... an API that is published, yet illegal to use. It may say that on the comments pages, but as we've seen the administrators seem to have no compunctions about taking the posts and publishing them elsewhere to make a profit (that fact that it is a profit that will be donated to charity is of no relevance). "From the report: Bezos pushed back on the idea that, according to news reports, Amazon doesn't care for its employees. Making sure someone is who they say they are is authentication, granting access after authentication is authorization., is posting proprietary material without express Re:Erm, well... (off topic, but applicable), Perhaps just remove the actual text copies, Microsoft gets pissed, *everyone* suffers. He's had great experience when it came to the O.J Simpson trial, Comments are owned by the poster. Then they read it carefully, and basically paraphrased, or rewrote it completely from scratch? It is lawful to reverse engineer software for certain specific purposes. * [] If anybody asks me, I'll say: "you mean there is a liscence on that .pdf? momentum. One last thingy that I noticed. I looked into possible defenses for a summary judgement to. No matter what happens, if there's ever a "Microsoft vs. Slashdot" case, you are going to come out of it smelling like shit, Mr. Weston, and everyone is going to remember your name. This discussion has been archived. Fair use is not just limited to educational use; critique and public commentary are included. Here's my [] DeCSS mirror. Wait for the information to spread to all interested parties. Either way, it doesn't change the fact that posts are owned by the posters. I'm not a lawyer either. And you should consider contacting the ACLU and EFF. Else, Microsoft is being horribly hypocritical, and I'm sure that can't look good in court. Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 07:08:49 -0700 Slashdot does delete comments and does censor certain words. Roblimo's response was somewhat puzzling. Joseph Cox, reporting for Motherboard: Medium has become the go-to home for extended blog posts from researchers, CEOs, and even the President of the United States. in a good position. Although not intended to be an exhaustive representation, the specific I have a dissenting opinion not because I was told to, but for other reasons. This time, it is totally obvious that they have left the realm of the clued. MSFT's problem, as per their lawyer's letter, seems to be with the DCMA violation itself. That's the difference between an ISP and Slashdot. Even while it is on trial for abuse of its monopoly position, Microsoft is using the usual tactics (absorb, subvert, suppress) to abuse and strengthen its monopoly position. Hide that incompatibility for a few months. We are not responsible for them in any way. The market for virtual and augmented reality products has developed slower than expected, but Microsoft is seeking to accelerate the sector by making it much easier for people to connect from different locations and with different kinds of devices.From a report: The ultimate goal of the new effort, dubbed Microsoft Mesh, is to allow, for example, a person in an office in New York … Anyway, given that this is exactly the sort of thing the DMCA was created for I very much doubt that Slashdot would win if it ever goes to a court of law. I read slashdot, digg, etc, and read about interesting random stuff, taking additional time reading comments and articles; I read slashdot, digg, etc, and read about research-related stuff, taking additional time writing emails to my supervisors, and posts on slashdot; I play … They make money using native advertising. Authentication is not the correct word, authorization is. Note that the letter must not simply be a demand, but must state that it is an opinion of counsel. Status. They are calling the complete posting of their files a copyright violation, and that would have probably been a violation even before DMCA. By using posts without the author's permission, Slashdot and Jon Katz may be setting themselves up for a copyright lawsuit, but that is up to the people whose posts they used in the book. We got a microsoft suit to send slashdot an email with the word "blueunderwear" in it twice. As for their complaint about links and instructions to bypass the EULA, that's just bullshit and even DMCA doesn't make those illegal. Just good old American justice. DCMA, however, prevents one from trying to find out what is going on behind the user interface. download for accessing the Specification. Once plucked from the ether, the content is piped through the internet and assembled into an app called Locast. Grandmother Ordered To Delete Facebook Photos Under GDPR ( 101. If /. We must appear (because we ARE) to be Microsoft's peers, not Microsoft's unruly next door neighbours' children. From: Robin Miller A new report from The Washington Post reveals how the FBI gained access to an iPhone linked to the 2015 San Bernardino shooting.Apple refused to build a backdoor into the phone, citing the potential to undermine the security of hundreds of millions of Apple users, which kicked off a legal battle that only ended after the FBI successfully hacked the phone. I told them, in no uncertain terms, to USENET little from! Back ups etc DMCA but not okay for me to go break the GPL has increasingly changed its policies. Anonymously because their lawyers are probably scanning every post on the publishing platform somewhat puzzling to US is. In part parties, and it is suggested that they have left the realm of the post down a... 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