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star wars rebels fanfiction ezra is a jedi master

He eventually constructed a new green-bladed Lightsaber, this time with a traditional design. That left Hera feeling like an outcast and prompted her to join the rebellion, a decision that her father became disgusted about since he really wanted his daughter to be by his side in liberating their homeworld. The crew soon met Gold Leader and Gold Two, and the two squadrons initially rubbed each other the wrong way due to Gold Squadron's dislike for Phoenix Squadron's more aggressive tactics. . At that point, Sabine returned to the camp. Unable to reason with Iron Squadron, the rebels returned to the Ghost. Find out in Taken. With the help of Kanan's Force powers, Ezra managed to Force jump onto the other side. Shortly after, his master entered the room and discussed the threat posed by the Inquisitors to the rebellion, so they decided to visit the Jedi Temple on Lothal to seek answers. They tried to steal some, but both got caught and made a run for it. After coming round, Ezra told Kanan that he had experienced strange visions of the future but was not sure whether they were things that Maul wanted him to see. The rebels then rendezvoused with Hera and the Ghost at the central air shaft. Ezra and his fellow rebels later participated in a mission to transport relief supplies to Ibaar, which was blockaded by an Imperial fleet commanded by Agent Kallus. By the time they arrived, their scanners detected no lifeforms on the planet's surface, and Ezra sensed the Force that all life that lived there had been wiped out. Ezra tried to talk to Kanan and Sabine but his possessed friends attacked him and Maul. Ezra resented this perceived demotion and made snide remarks towards Zeb. Later, Sato dispatched the Ghost Crew and Phoenix Squadron to Mykapo to evacuate rebel sympathizers prior to an impending Imperial crackdown. Ezra and his comrades were then surrounded by Saxon and his Super Commandos. Caution: May or may not cause uncontrollable laughter. Ezra closed his eyes and the vision ended. As he matured, Ezra was able to impart wisdom to his peers. Will Ezra embrace the Dark side and hunt down the ghost crew? Barris. Finally, hed get what he wanted. Taking pity on Sabine, Ezra encouraged her to persevere with her training. When Ezra protested, Hera countered that Hondo was untrustworthy; a stance shared by Kanan. After a near getaway fromTIE Fightersand a Star Destroyerduring a failed salvage mission, Ezra and his new fellow rebelsfound themselves low on food, explosives, and fuel, and unless they find somethey will be out of business. Sabine realized that Ezra was right and went to clear her thoughts in the wilderness. As a result, Ezra learned that Obi-Wan held the key to destroying the Sith while Maul learned that Obi-Wan was located on a dessert planet with twin suns. Once inside, the trio experienced different visions of the Force depending on their needs and circumstances. The TIES chased the ship around the construction module and were shot down one at a time. I assume you have an imagination, a child like curiosity to you, but I also see you as a realist. "I wonder why.". While underground, the rebels and Saw discovered evidence in the form of poison canisters that the Empire had perpetrated genocide against the Geonosians. Later, Ezra and his fellow rebels returned to Ryloth to deliver supplies to Cham. Ezras natural force abilities kept him one step ahead of the competition, as the talented force sensitive leaned on his latent abilities whenever he found himself in a bind. Ezra went to face Darth Vader but thing goes haywire and Rex dies making everybody hates Ezra except Ahsoka later he is an emperor hand but after a year he left with a padawan Mara Jade and meet Leia organa and was taken to her real father to help to restore the jedi order watch he proves those wrong a The carrier was now under their control, but thanks to Cham, the hyperdrive was disabled so they couldn't escape with the ship. Much to Ezra and Kanan's surprise, Sabine elected to remain with her people to help them face the chaos that Saxon's death would bring, and she and Rau remained behind after she bid Kanan and Ezra farewell, though she suggested that her people might join the Rebellion once they found a way to rescue her imprisoned father. Holding her in a Force-grip, Maul urged Ezra to strike the Inquisitor. After escaping on the backs of Tibidee from another ambush from the Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister on Oosalan Mesa while scouting for a permanent base for the rebel fleet, Ezra and Kanan discussed the threat of the Inquisitors to their efforts to help the rebellion to establish one. It is at this point that when they are pinned down, Kanan stepped forward and activated the lightsaber Ezra found in his cabin, exposing his status as a Jedi. It's okay; nothing can hurt you now. Having accomplished their objectives, the rebels and Hondo's party parted company. During the briefing, Ezra reassured his fellow rebels, Bail, and Sato that they had given the Geonosians another chance to survive. *** Continued from Day 13 ***The use of the Dark Side, even to save someone you love, always comes with consequences. However, she was somewhat reluctant to speak with him but understood theRebellion's need for that carrier. He stood back and watched as the Rebels took out the Troopers, then in the ensuing chaos of the battle dropped from the rooftops to commandeer one of the speeders and fled with some of their stolen goods. Maul then rejected Ezra as a "disappointment" and left on his ship. Ezra grew taller (he grew taller than Ava), Kyle "Ive had many things stolen from me. Distrusting the Weequay, Ezra claimed to be Lando, and when Imperials attacked the ship, he had Chopper power up the engines to make their jump into hyperspace. May the Force be with you always". and Chopper rendezvoused with a transport ship to pick up supplies for their second attempt to break the blockade. Ezra is Padawan to Caleb Dume, Hera is a Jedi Consular and Sabine is her Padawan, Zeb is a gruff Jedi Sentinel and Temple Guard. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. After visiting Malachor, Ezra began to delve more into the Dark Side, using it both to access the Malachor Sith Temple and then in combat with the Seventh Sister. During the Jedi first duel with Vader, and Ezra almost having his neck burned, the crew must help one another and train each other for the worst from the evil galactic empire. He began learning Telekinesis under Kanan and first used the Force Push against Kallus to save Zeb. When the third Dismantler Droid attacked Chopper, Sabine, and Zeb, Rex went back to rescue them. Fortunately for them, the Inquisitors were held back by several spectral Temple Guards. The Rebels get away, but after a twist of events, Ezra gets captured. However, their victory was tainted when the Empire used the Duchess, a weapon Sabine herself had designed in her naive youth, against Clan Wren's forces. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. After setting up camp, Ezra watched as Kanan and Sabine parried with Training Sabers. But he was no match for Darth Vader. Kanan did not want Sabine to train with the Darksaber yet because he feared that she would hurt herself. Saxon attempted to force Sabine to yield to him but she used the Frequency 337 on her helmet to escape. Part 3 of my Mustafar Ezra au! Ezra and the other rebels boarded the Ghost and engaged Vader's TIE Fighter in a dogfight with Ezra manning the nose gun. Hera finally agreed to disclose what Tseebo had told her about Ezra's parents: his parents were alive but were imprisoned within the vast network of Imperial prisons that spanned the galaxy. After falling out of his bed, Ezra alerted Hera and Kanan. (Will be continued). So, Hera gave Trayvis a blaster to defend himself, but he revealed himself to be an agent of the Empire who identifies rebels and sympathizers so they could be killedwith their deaths looking like accidents. After stealing an Imperial Freighter, Ezra and the rebels journeyed to Mustafar and deployed the TIE Fighter he and Zeb stole a while back to dock them aboard Tarkin's Star Destroyer, the Sovereign, and disable it with an electromagnetic pulse so they could search for Kanan. Because of Ezra's success in rescuing Hondo, Sato promoted the young rebel to Lieutenant Commander and put him in charge of the mission. This lightsaber was unique in that it featured a built-in blaster that fires stun blasts. Rex, Kanan, and Zeb refused to fight but Ezra saw an opportunity to obtain the proton bombs that the Rebellion was after. Kanan and Ahsoka explained that Malachor was considered off-limits by the Jedi, but the former Jedi suggested that the reason why Yoda would send them there is that the planet might have something that would help them to stop the Inquisitors. The next morning, as promised, Bossk gave Ezra the contents of his strongbox, which turned out to be just seventy-five credits, and the Trandoshan bade him farewell. The Empire Transforms Him Into A Cyborg And He Starts Working For Them. When Ezra tried to touch the Darksaber, Maul chastised the youth and told him that his Mandalorian friend could provide him with more information on the Darksaber's significance. Much to his reluctance, Ezra was asked to surrender his lightsaber, only acquiescing after Sabine assured him that nothing would happen to it. (Currently finished), Ch2 (A Lasat Vers1 - P1) - The Bridgers were travelling outside their homeworld of Lasan when the Empire arrived, so when his parents were murdered for rebelling, Ezra assumed he was the only Lasat left. The rebels then escaped into hyperspace shortly after Grand Admiral Thrawn arrived on the Chimaera. Unknown to Hondo, Ezra also stole the controller for Vizago's droids and hands it to Chopper for safekeeping. When the Rebellion began suffering a fuel crisis, the Ghost crew was sent to retrieve a refining fuel meant for the Empire from a mining organization known as the Mining Guild, which was enough shipment to fuel the rebel fleet for a full cycle. While trying to fly their way back to the Ghost, Ezra and Zeb came across a farm that had been attacked by Imperials, which Ezra recognized as the home of Morad Sumar, a friend of his parents. Ezra eventually learned to survive, and found work as a pick pocket reselling stolen goods to a pawn broker who taught the boy everything he knows about scamming, stealing, and lying. To avoid triggering the Imperial sensor lights, Chopper threw himself down the cliff instead of activating his thruster. During their deal with the Devaronian, C-3PO, mistaking the rebels for criminals, made an emergency call to Agent Kallus, revealing the rebels' whereabouts. However, their coordinates to the mysterious rebel led a supply run atFort Anaxes, a remote asteroid base once used by the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars, where Fulcrum had already fled and thePhantombroke down in a gas leak Ezra and Zeb forgot to fix, leaving both girls under attack by a pack of Fyrnocks that infested the area. Ezra was a loyal and sympathetic friend to Sabine. This was Ezras gift to him, a night of deep, unbroken rest. Once aboard, an argument broke out between the Ghost Crew, Rex, and Saw. While awaiting Chopper's return, Ezra and Kanan were confronted by a Stormtrooper Commander and his men, who noted they were outside their allocated area. Chopper managed to gain admission by electrocuting an Imperial communication droid and stealing its clearance code. One of his greatest force skills the ability to sense emotion and connect with life forces around him also gave Ezra the ability to work with unsavory types like Hondo Onaka without being blindsided by the pirates penchant for stabbing people in the back. Ezra chose Maul on Malachor, but he's still conflicted. Aboard the shuttle, Rex praised Ezra for ending the Clone Wars; something that had eluded the Galactic Senate, the Grand Army of the Republic and the Droid Army. Apparently, the Protectors' leader, Commander Fenn Rau, had already aligned his warriors with the Empire and attacked Hera's Phoenix Squadron fleet, destroying several of their A-Wing Starfighters and gravely wounding Hera. While Ezra was momentarily coerced by the Sith, Kanan was able to see through the ruse and following Mauls attempted murder of the Jedi for his insolence Ezra never trusted the Sith again. Once aboard the Ghost, Ezra tried to tell Hera about the Phantom but the captain was preoccupied with getting the ship to safety. Thrawn had been dispatched by Imperial High Command to investigate the high rate of defective vehicles produced by the Lothal Imperial factory. Ezra Bridger (codename Spectre 6) was a young Force -sensitive human street urchin living on the streets of the Imperial-controlled planet Lothal 's Capital City trying to survive by crime until he was taken in by Kanan Jarrus, becoming his Jedi apprentice and a part of the Ghost crew 's Rebellion against the Empire . Even though he is slowly turning, there will always be a little spark of light inside him. The rebels were then attacked by a Viper Probe Droid. There are some things in this world that just can't be explained, like falling through a mirror, for example. Frightened, the cat led the two Jedi on a wild pursuit through the city streets, with Ezra using the Force to leap over buildings. Using the Force, Ezra leaped towards Sabine and clung on to her. Despite Ahsoka's warnings, Ezra touched one of the monoliths, causing the Jedi to slide into an underground cavern. When Kanan asked Ezra to open the holocron, Ezra replied that he preferred to listen to him. He stared at the burning ruins of Capitol City on Lothal. In a moment of anger, Ezra told his master that he did not need the Holocron or him. My name is Ezra Bridger and this is a story about me living as if I was lower than dirt since I was 8, to the most amazing place on earth. However, Ezra defended Maul and argued they could trust him because he believed Maul's claim that he wanted to use the holocron's knowledge to destroy the Sith. Ezra later shared his difficulties with Ahsoka when she arrived to join him and Kanan, remarking that it often seemed that the Force grew more mysterious the more was learned about it. You said you had been captured several times?, aka an aladdin au i made up entirely based on that one (1) scene in the temple on Malachor. Every action has a consequence. They then managed to escape Captain Vult Skerris's TIE Interceptor. Ezra then thanked Kanan for saving him, to which his master told him that he would always come back, reconciling their relationship. There, the three travelers spotted a large pyramidal Sith Temple in the distance. Before it could finish him, the Fighter was destroyed by the rebel's ship, the Ghost, which was the same VXC he saw being chased by Rudor months before. This is going to be an extension of my other Pedro Pascal characters one shots. It all started on the first day of summera simple rose and note was placed on the welcome mat. Fortunately, Hera arrived aboard the Ghost to provide support, and the Loth-Wolves joined the battle and brought about a decisive victory. "What if I was huh? Ezra was present with the other crew members when Kanan, Fenn, and Hera convened a meeting aboard the Ghost to discuss the matter of training Sabine how to wield the Darksaber. While Maul dealt with Kanan, Ezra was escorted by two repurposed Tour Guide Droids to the command center. As the three of them departed in the craft, Leias plan became more complicated, because Ezra asked why they didn't give the cruisers in deep space, she explained to him that if they did, the Empire would suspect Alderaan for helping the rebels and label them as traitors. Ezra succeeded in leaving the system after Commander Sato sacrificed himself and Phoenix Nest to destroy one of Thrawn's Interdictor Cruisers, only to find that Mon Mothma couldn't send any reinforcements to their aid for fear of walking into Thrawn's trap. Ezra's rebel comrades particularly Hera and Sabine distrusted Hondo and his new business partner Azmorigan but Ezra reasoned that the pirate could be trusted since they had come out safely during their last mission to Reklam Station. They succeeded in this mission, despite Ezra's ineptitude with a jetpack, due in part to the timely arrival of Clan Kryze and its leader Bo-Katan. Doctor Carther frowned. Megan Crouse March 3, 2018 "The Jedi" was a particularly huge episode for fans of Star Wars Rebels, as it hinted at the return of Ezra Bridger, one of the show's protagonists.In Rebels' series finale, Ezra ensured the defeat of Grand Admiral Thrawn by calling upon a species of space whales called Purrgil to take hold of Thrawn's Star Destroyer and drag it into hyperspace - with both Thrawn and Ezra inside it.

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star wars rebels fanfiction ezra is a jedi master

star wars rebels fanfiction ezra is a jedi master